My children threw me

My children threw me a life line: \”Return to your roots – food – and rewrite your first book, Diet for a Small Planet.\” I learned that if I could just show up, in this case, if I could just get myself out of bed, get to the computer in my tiny office at MIT, … Read more

Where you live matters:

Where you live matters: there’s only one MIT. And there’s only one Hollywood and only one Silicon Valley. This isn’t a coincidence: for whatever you’re doing, there’s usually only one place where the top people go. You should go there. Don’t settle for anywhere else. Meeting my heroes and learning from them gave me a … Read more

We got half the

We got half the doggone MIT college of engineering here, and nobody who can fix a doggone /television/? Dr. Joseph Abernathy glared accusingly at the clusters of young people scattered around his living room. That’s /electrical/ engineering, Pop, his son told him loftily. We’re all mechanical engineers. Ask a mechanical engineer to fix your color … Read more

In my first career

In my first career I had founded my own company, with a group of MIT professors, before coming to Harvard to finish my doctorate, and so I had a deep respect for the brains, talent, and dedication of managers. That made it hard for me to believe the attributions in the business press that stupid … Read more