It seems that the

It seems that the Neanderthal DNA that modern Europeans and Asians (and also Native Americans and basically all non-African people) are carrying around is random. This means there are different bits and pieces in different populations, but it doesn’t seem to amount to much that’s significant. Elizabeth Kolbert

Neanderthal man listened to

Neanderthal man listened to stories, if one may judge by the shape of his skull. The primitive audience was an audience of shock-heads, gaping around the camp-fire, fatigued with contending against the mammoth or wooly-rhinoceros, and only kept awake by suspense. What would happen next? The novelist droned on, and as soon as the audience … Read more

To women, drummers seem

To women, drummers seem like these adorable, sexy Neanderthals, and lead singers seem mysterious and dangerous. So while the lead singers all want to be David Bowie, floating into parties and being the center of attention, it’s the drummers who are in the corner doing keg stands and breaking tables. Usually it’s the drummers who … Read more

There was a day

There was a day when you could identify a NASCAR Ford, Chevrolet, or Dodge and they actually looked like stock cars. Now they are pod machines, slick on the outside but still powered by the same Neanderthal carbureted pushrod V-8s that have been under their hoods for half a century. If this is real auto … Read more

There are some die-hard

There are some die-hard male chauvinist pigs and there are some Neanderthal women who are threatened by equality – but the great majority, polls say 65% to 75% of women of America, of all ages, absolutely identify with the complete agenda of the women’s movement: equal opportunity for jobs, education, professional training, the right to … Read more