Parents find many different

Parents find many different ways to work their way through the assertiveness of their two-year-olds, but seeing that assertiveness as positive energy being directed toward growth as a competent individual may open up some new possibilities. Fred Rogers

Start by doing what\’s

Start by doing what’s necessary; then do what’s possible; and suddenly you are doing the impossible. Francis of Assisi

The houses [my first

The houses [my first project in London] were reactions to the condition of the city and my frustrations with the norms that were being played out. In a way they were slightly subconscious but reactions to that condition and a way to posit new possibilities within certain pervasive norms. David Adjaye

Hope and optimism are

Hope and optimism are different. Optimism tends to be based on the notion that there’s enough evidence out there to believe things are gonna be better, much more rational, deeply secular, whereas hope looks at the evidence and says, It doesn’t look good at all. Doesn’t look good at all. Gonna go beyond the evidence … Read more