What I mean by

What I mean by photographing as a participant rather than observer is that I’m not only involved directly with some of the activities that I photograph, such as mountain climbing, but even when I’m not I have the philosophy that my mind and body are part of the natural world Galen

Kat and Kropp get

Kat and Kropp get in an argument over the war as they rest from an hour’s worth of drill (occasioned by Tjaden’s not saluting a major properly). Kat believes the war would be over if leaders gave all the participants “the same grub and the same pay,” as he says in a rhyme. Kropp believes … Read more

One of the great

One of the great things about a free market is that it’s inherently and indefatigably Darwinistic. Left to its own devices, a free market will eventually weed out the stupid from both ‘ends’ of the food chain otherwise described as supply and demand. As money is liberated from the hands of the stupid, those who … Read more

The almost Oriental politeness

The almost Oriental politeness of the West Coast is one of its distinctive regional features, in marked contrast to the contentiousness of the East Coast…. So few human contacts in Los Angeles go unmediated by glass (either a TV screen or an automobile windshield), that the direct confrontation renders the participants docile, stunned, sweet. Edmund … Read more

In the theater the

In the theater the audience is generally riveted to a single angle of observation. The movie director, though, can rapidly shift from objective to subjective–and to any number of subjective points of view–and in so doing seem to pull the audience directly inside the frame of his picture, giving the spectator the sense of experiencing … Read more