The individual cannot think

The individual cannot think and communicate his thought, the governor and legislator cannot act effectively or frame his laws without words, and the solidity and validity of these words is in the care of the damned and despised litterati…when their very medium, the very essence of their work, the application of word to thing goes … Read more

If I had ever,

If I had ever, in any medium, seen any researcher or popularizer refer even once to any supposedly ay-producing circumstance as the proper hormone balance, or the conducive endocrine environment, for gay generation, I would be less chilled by the breezes of all this technological confidence. Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick

A chair’s function is

A chair’s function is not just to provide a place to sit; it is to provide a medium for self-expression. Chairs are about status, for example. Or signalling something about oneself. That’s why the words chair, seat and bench have found themselves used to describe high status professions, from academia to Parliament to the law. … Read more