I did some research

I did some research once on the way people in the past imagined the year 2000. They tended to picture the things they already had getting more sophisticated – flying cars, self-cleaning windows. And the folks in the early 1900s had a wildly optimistic estimate of the future of pneumatic tubes. Gail Collins

For thousands of years,

For thousands of years, China developed its own political system. Its rulers, no matter who they are, are given a conditional right to govern by the people. In the past, but even now it is called a Heavenly Mandate. If the rulers fail to respect the will of the people, they get deposed. And the … Read more

The distinction between the

The distinction between the past, present and future is only a stubbornly persistent illusion. Albert Einstein

We’ve incentivized people in

We’ve incentivized people in the past to maybe turn their vehicles over, you know sooner rather than later. And in the United States with the squeeze on discretionary income and credit that even as the economy comes back there’s probably more of a chance than not that it’ll be a slower recovery on auto sales. … Read more