Know your job and

Know your job and don’t fake it. It looks easy, but the ones that make it look easy know what the hell they’re doing. They may tell you around the dining room table that you’re funny and you should be an actor, but until you challenge yourself by getting on a stage or in front … Read more

Crown Prince Rupprecht, the

Crown Prince Rupprecht, the heir to the throne of Bavaria who commanded the army group facing the British at the Somme, was the senior direct lineal heir of James Stuart, the Old Pretender of 1715. Had there been any Jacobites left in Britain in 1916, they would have had to regard this south German prince … Read more

Of all the major

Of all the major religions, or lack thereof, the atheist’s is one of the best pretenders: his foundation for all existences, as well as moral behaviors for the permanent good of mankind, begins at science but ends at himself, the Napoleon complex of both intelligence and imagination. On the other hand the anti-theist wouldn’t survive … Read more

I’ve done lots of

I’ve done lots of songs for film soundtracks and things like that-stuff I’m not ashamed of, but that doesn’t represent my legacy with the Pretenders…I think domesticity certainly doesn’t make it easy to write, you know, because you’ve got a lot of distractions and I think a writer is always looking for distractions. Chrissie Hynde