When we look at

When we look at the full-on mass surveillance watching everyone in the country, in the United States, it doesn’t work. It didn’t stop the attacks in Boston. The marathon bombings. Where again, we knew who these individuals were. It didn’t stop the Underwear Bomber, whose father walked into an embassy and warned us about this … Read more

The urgent consideration of

The urgent consideration of the public safety may undoubtedly authorize the violation of every positive law. How far that or any other consideration may operate to dissolve the natural obligations of humanity and justice, is a doctrine of which I still desire to remain ignorant. Edward Gibbon

Yet the people, and

Yet the people, and even the clergy, incapable of forming any rational judgment of the business of peace and war, presumed to arraign the policy of Stilicho, who so often vanquished, so often surrounded, and so often dismissed the implacable enemy of the republic. The first moment of the public safety is devoted to gratitude … Read more

Feminism has fought no

Feminism has fought no wars … killed no opponents … set up no concentration camps … starved no enemies … practiced no cruelty. Its battles have been for education, for the vote, for better working conditions, for safety in the streets … for reforms in the law. Dale Spender