Often I visualize a

Often I visualize a quicker, like almost a ghost runner, ahead of me with a quicker stride. It’s really crazy. In races, this always happens to me. I see the vision of a runner ahead of me, maybe just 15, 20 meters ahead of me, and the cadence of that runner, which is actually me … Read more

Your vision of your

Your vision of your future will help you press forward. Take a few minutes to envision where you want to be in one year or two or five. Then take action to prepare yourselves. People don’t just run a marathon when they decide to do it. They must train daily, slowly building stamina and endurance … Read more

When we look at

When we look at the full-on mass surveillance watching everyone in the country, in the United States, it doesn’t work. It didn’t stop the attacks in Boston. The marathon bombings. Where again, we knew who these individuals were. It didn’t stop the Underwear Bomber, whose father walked into an embassy and warned us about this … Read more