Five hours after presenting

Five hours after presenting a …lecture on cancer before an audience of about 400 in L.A., the windshield was shot out of my car on the road back to San Francisco. The next night the glass window in the tailgate (the back window) was shot out (300 miles removed from the first shooting)…The late Arthur … Read more

The writer loves the

The writer loves the fog as it pours in; he loves the sun when the fog pours out. The rest of California is Beach Boys country, but San Francisco has that moody thing going on, those blues notes wrapped in moisture, an atmosphere that tempers California dreaming and makes life more real. The fog brings … Read more

Well, it seems that

Well, it seems that one day Dylan was drivin’ up to San Francisco from New Orleans or somewhere, when our record [House of the Rising Sun] came over his radio. When it was announced he said to Joan Baez — who was with him at the time — ‘This’ll be the first time I’ve heard … Read more