As Barbara Streisand discovered,

As Barbara Streisand discovered, adopting a militaristic posture against a tech-savvy mob of civil libertarians is not going to be of much help: Many of them run their own servers and blogs – and have thousands of friends on their social networks – so overzealous attempts to silence them only lead to wider dissemination of … Read more

In Washington, as we

In Washington, as we learned from the White House transcripts, a president may speak of kicking butts, call a problem a can of worms, decide not to be in the position of basically hunkering down, anticipate something hitting the fan, propose to tough it through, sight minefields down the road, see somebody playing hard ball, … Read more

Marketers spend millions developing

Marketers spend millions developing strategies to identify children’s predilections and then capitalize on their vulnerabilities. Young people are fooled for a while, but then develop defense mechanisms, such as media-savvy attitudes or ironic dispositions. Then marketers research these defenses, develop new countermeasures, and on it goes. Douglas Rushkoff