Women are dirt searchers;

Women are dirt searchers; their greatest worth is irradicating rings on collars and tables. Never mind real-estate boards’ corruption and racism, here’s your soapsuds. Everything she is doing is peripheral, expendable, crucial, and non-negotiable. Cleanliness is next to godliness. Florynce Kennedy

In this world are

In this world are very few things made from logic alone. It is illogical for man to be too logical. Some things we must just let stand. The mystery is more important than any possible explanation. The searcher after truth must search with humanity. Ruthless logic is the sign of a limited mind. The truth … Read more

We [with John Logan]

We [with John Logan] started talking about The Searchers, and then he went on to tell me a story about when he first met John Wayne, and he said, Hey, you be me and I’ll be Wayne, and I said, No, let me be Wayne! Anyway, it was a very pleasant conversation, it was clear … Read more