Sometimes when I watch

Sometimes when I watch my dog, I think about how good life can be, if we only lose ourselves in our stories. Lucy doesn’t read self-help books about how to be a dog; she just IS a dog. All she wants to do is chase ducks and sticks and do other things that make both … Read more

I definitely have a

I definitely have a spiritual outlook. I don’t usually read self-help books, but I read a great book by a guy called Wayne Dyer, ‘The Power of Intention,’ which I loved. I’m not a religious guy, in fact I’m probably agnostic but I thought what this writer had to say was really powerful. Chris Pine

Do yourself and your

Do yourself and your family a favor: Decide right now that you will write a self-help book someday. I’m serious. A self-help book is a great way to capture what you think makes a good person, a good life and a good world. It’s also a forever document that you can pass down to future … Read more