It is immediately apparent,

It is immediately apparent, however, that this sense-world, this seemingly real external universe – though it may be useful and valid in other respects – cannot be the external world, but only the Self’s projected picture of it … The evidence of the senses, then, cannot be accepted as evidence of the nature of ultimate … Read more

The mystic and the

The mystic and the physicist arrive at the same conclusion; one starting from the inner realm, the other from the outer world. The harmony between their views confirms the ancient Indian wisdom that Brahman, the ultimate reality without, is identical to Atman, the reality within. Fritjof Capra

One of the awful

One of the awful things about writing when you are a Christian is that for you the ultimate reality is the Incarnation, the present reality is the Incarnation, and nobody believes in the Incarnation; that is, nobody in your audience. My audience are the people who think God is dead. At least these are the … Read more

The zazen I speak

The zazen I speak of is not learning meditation. It is simply the Dharma gate of repose and bliss, the practice-realization of totally culminated enlightenment. It is the manifestation of ultimate reality. Traps and snares can never reach it. Once its heart is grasped, you are like the dragon when he gains the water, like … Read more