I think British men

I think British men build up the idea of us French girls having some magic extra sex appeal so much, they lose their heads. I can’t really understand the whole thing – but it makes me laugh. It’s such a cliche to think all French girls are well dressed, elegant, sophisticated and sexy. Some are … Read more

I think it\’s an

I think it’s an American curse that most of us think we are special. … everyone believes themselves to be superior to the majority of the population in some way. Sometimes it’s their looks, other times their perceived sex appeal (often in obvious defiance of their looks), and other times it is their real or … Read more

Walking is simple and

Walking is simple and second nature for most of us. It’s an everyday kind of activity, not something that’s frequently the rage of fashion or touted for its sex appeal. Yet few physical pursuits in this life are ultimately as rewarding. It’s a wonderfully satisfying way to spend an hour, and afternoon, a day, or … Read more