Surely we have had

Surely we have had enough of confusing maleness with \”usefulness\” and other human virtues. If men had a more modest view of what their masculinity ought to entail, perhaps they could move on from debilitating feelings of loss to tackling their real economic and political problems. Ellen Willis

Today, people are talking

Today, people are talking about many things: the danger of war and frequent clashes, water and air pollution, hunger, the increasing erosion of moral values, and so on. As a result, many other concerns have come to the fore: peace, contentment, ecology, justice, tolerance, and dialogue. Unfortunately, despite certain promising precautions, those who should be … Read more

What I\’m trying to

What I’m trying to say is: it gets boring when nothing meaningful is discussed about it. It’s the same thing when a woman poet writes about suffering – it’s a \”woman’s tendency to depression and grief.\” It’s not a human, universal tackling of something that exists in all of us. It’s suddenly a \”woman issue.\” … Read more

One of the best

One of the best ways to properly evaluate and adapt to the many environmental stresses of life is to simply view them as normal. The adversity and failures in our lives, if adapted to and viewed as normal corrective feedback to use to get back on target, serve to develop in us an immunity against … Read more

In a modern world,

In a modern world, increasingly filled with pop culture fads and gimmicks, Lisa Morton reveals much of the underbelly history and unknown facts regarding the biggest pop culture event in history-Halloween. Her sheer delight and well-researched enthusiasm in tackling many of the unrecognized aspects of this monstrous topic makes one wonder what we don’t know … Read more

Find your self-respect now.

Find your self-respect now. Don’t dumb yourselves down. Think of yourself as capable and worthy of finding a guy who is going to respect you, too. It’s so important, I mean, and the confidence you get from feeling smart and tackling something like mathematics, which is a challenge, right? Math is hard. Danica McKellar