It is an insult

It is an insult to God to believe in God. For on the one hand it is to suppose that he has perpetrated acts of incalculable cruelty. On the other, it is to suppose that he has perversely given his human creatures an instrument – their intellect – which must inevitably lead them, if they … Read more

No doubt other writers

No doubt other writers have often put a thing more brilliantly, more subtly than even a very cunning artist in words can hope to emulate, a supreme phrase being a bit of luck that only happens now and then. And inasmuch as the condiments and secret travail of human nature are always the same, and … Read more

When the universe is

When the universe is ephemeral, one can easily feel that human existence is meaningless. Why should I do anything at all? On the other hand it is tempting to try and make the best of it. I’m here, anyway. The imagination won’t cope if I try to picture where I’d otherwise be. Erlend Loe

The fact that slang

The fact that slang is apt and forceful makes its use irresistibly tempting. Coarse or profane slang is beside the mark, but \”flivver,\” \”taxi,\” the \”movies,\” \”deadly\” (meaning dull), \”feeling fit,\” \”feeling blue,\” \”grafter,\” a \”fake,\” \”grouch,\” \”hunch\” and \”right o!\” are typical of words that it would make our spoken language stilted to exclude. … Read more

This mortal probation is

This mortal probation is a brief period-just a short span, linking the eternity of the past with the eternity of the future. Yet it was to be a period of tremendous importance. It is, in fact, the most vital period of our entire eternal existence. In this mortal state we come face to face with … Read more

I know it\\’s not

I know it’s not strictly sex that accounts for my straying the motive usually attributed to men. I think it’s just too tempting to have two lives rather than one. Some people think that too much travel begets infidelity: Separation and opportunity test the bonds of love. I think it’s more likely that people who … Read more

It is tempting to

It is tempting to believe that social evils arise from the activities of evil men and that if only good men (like ourselves, naturally) wielded power, all would be well. That view requires only emotion and self-praise – easy to come by and satisfying as well. To understand why it is that ‘good’ men in … Read more