The stage, the screen,

The stage, the screen, the novel, casual conversation, the street discussion, and too often the fireside intimacies are punctuated with blasphemy, to which may be added, as of the same nature, coarse, ribald jokes, foul stories, and low small talk. Some would have us believe that profanity is a sign of masculinity and emotion maturity. … Read more

The fact that slang

The fact that slang is apt and forceful makes its use irresistibly tempting. Coarse or profane slang is beside the mark, but \”flivver,\” \”taxi,\” the \”movies,\” \”deadly\” (meaning dull), \”feeling fit,\” \”feeling blue,\” \”grafter,\” a \”fake,\” \”grouch,\” \”hunch\” and \”right o!\” are typical of words that it would make our spoken language stilted to exclude. … Read more

Labor, with its coarse

Labor, with its coarse raiment and its bare right arm, has gone forth in the earth, achieving the truest conquests and rearing the most durable monuments. It has opened the domain of matter and the empire of the mind. The wild beast has fled before it, and the wilderness has fallen back…. its triumphal march … Read more

When you write, it’s

When you write, it’s like braiding your hair. Taking a handful of coarse unruly strands and attempting to bring them unity. Your fingers have still not perfected the task. Some of the braids are long, others are short. Some are thick, others are thin. Some are heavy. Others are light. Like the diverse women of … Read more