It is, however, a

It is, however, a most astonishing but incontestable fact, that the history of the evolution of man as yet constitutes no part of general education. Indeed, our so-called educated classes are to this day in total ignorance of the most important circumstances and the most remarkable phenomena which Anthropogeny has brought to light. Ernst Haeckel

StarClan may go where

StarClan may go where they please, they have betrayed SkyClan. From this day on, I will have nothing more to do with our warrior ancestors. StarClan allowed the Twolegs to destroy our home. They look down on us now, and let the moon go on shining while you drive us out. They said there would … Read more

In this day and

In this day and time you can’t even get sick; you are strung-out! Well by God, I’ll tell you something, friend: I have never been strung-out in my life, except on music! Elvis Presley