I’m actually taking advantage

I’m actually taking advantage of my time off. You know, I had a film that was pushed, so I’m home spending time with my family, going to the gym and actually enjoying taking care of myself…This year has been great for me because I’ve learned how to relax. The last three years have been amazing … Read more

Economics works great for

Economics works great for planning your life when you don’t have a work passion, since we tend to assume that your job delivers only money and you trade off job hours with leisure hours. If you think your job will just be a job, pick one that pays well per hour and leaves you some … Read more

We are at our

We are at our very best, and we are happiest, when we are fully engaged in work we enjoy on the journey toward the goal we’ve established for ourselves. It gives meaning to our time off and comfort to our sleep. It makes everything else in life so wonderful, so worthwhile. Earl Nightingale