The most active period

The most active period of the witchcraft trials coincides with a period of lower than average temperature known to climatologists as the \”little ice age\”…In a time period when the reasons for changes in weather were largely a mystery, people would have searched for a scapegoat in the face of deadly changes in weather patterns. … Read more

Everybody reacts differently. For

Everybody reacts differently. For me defeat lingers around for different time periods. I can dwell on some for five minutes or sometimes I can still be thinking about it a week later. It all comes down to experience. You need to reflect on your mistakes and move on. Luckily you always get the opportunity to … Read more

I have always thought

I have always thought that librarians are a little bit like doctors, travel agents and professors all rolled into one. We all know that a great story can lift spirits, take you anywhere in the world you want to go and in any time period to boot, and the lessons you learn from a good … Read more