I don’t have any

I don’t have any particular rituals, I sometimes like to write in longhand when I’m searching for ideas but I do the vast majority by typing, I can’t always keep up with my thoughts longhand. I’m not a coffee shop writer because I feel obliged to order more coffee and then I end up over-caffeinated. … Read more

Creating the characters is

Creating the characters is the most creative part of the novel except for the language itself. There I am, sitting in front of my computer in right-brain mode, typing the things that come to mind – which become the seeds of plot. It’s scary, though, because I always wonder: Is it going to be there … Read more

Bingo!! Once again, privatization–*total*

Bingo!! Once again, privatization–*total* privatization–is the best solution. Get government, and government-sanctioned business collectives, out of the health ‘care’ picture entirely and, just maybe, I can go back to typing the word ‘care’ (in relation to ‘health’) without the quotes. 🙂 Edward Britton

I started typing diary

I started typing diary in, I don’t know, 1978 or ’79, but then the computer changed that a lot. Because with the computer if you were writing and you realized you had three sentences in a row that started with the word he, you could fix that right up, whereas on a typewriter you’d think, … Read more