It is one of

It is one of history’s most mocking ironies that the German customs union, which set out to dominate Europe and conquer Britain in the form of Bismarckian or Hitlerian military force, has at last vanquished the victor by drawing Britain into a Zollverein which comprises Western Europe and aspires to comprise the Mediterranean as well. … Read more

For the last one

For the last one hundred and fifty years, the history of the House of Rothschild has been to an amazing degree the backstage history of Western Europe…Because of their success in making loans not to individuals but to nations, they reaped huge profits…Someone once said that the wealth of Rothschild consists of the bankruptcy of … Read more

To his lasting credit,

To his lasting credit, President Reagan never wavered. He recognized the strategic importance of staying the course, both in terms of denying Moscow the military hegemony it sought in Western Europe and of restoring the will, cohesiveness, and security of the NATO alliance, so badly frayed during the turbulent 1970s. Frank Gaffney

Like apples in a

Like apples in a barrel infected by one rotten one, the corruption of Greece would infect Iran and all to the east. It would also carry infection to Africa through Asia Minor and Egypt, and to Europe through Italy and France, already threatened by the strongest domestic Communist parties in Western Europe. The Soviet Union … Read more

The main problem, certainly,

The main problem, certainly, for the people who will not get vaccinated with Thimerosal, which was put into polio vaccine. And the belief was that it may cause autism. And there’s been an awful lot done in terms of studies in Western Europe, Canada, the United States, and no correlation was found between Thimerosal and … Read more

To defend Western Europe

To defend Western Europe we have to let the Pentagon buy all these tanks and guns and things, and the Pentagon is unable to buy any object that that costs less than a condominium in Vail. If the Pentagon needs, say, fruit, it will argue that it must have fruit that can withstand the rigors … Read more

I wonder if those

I wonder if those people shown protesting the deployment of nuclear weapons to western Europe during the Reagan era are feeling appropriately stupid today. ‘Please don’t take away our precious Soviet Union! – We demand the annihilation of all life on Earth!’ Craig Reucassel

No civilisation, not even

No civilisation, not even that of ancient Greece, has ever undergone such a continuous and profound process of change as Western Europe has done during the last 900 years. It is impossible to explain this fact in purely economic terms by a materialistic interpretation of history. The principle of change has been a spiritual one … Read more

In Western Europe and

In Western Europe and North America some things are better than they were – at least relative to their moral nadirs – such as labour legislation, the opening of the professions to women, intolerance for domestic violence, but so much is still morally unacceptable – the weapons trade, cruel and unusual punishment, economic parasitism. Catherine … Read more