People keep telling me

People keep telling me about the white race and the black race – and it really doesn’t make sense. I played Miami, met a fellow two shades darker than me – and his name was Ginsberg! Took my place in two sit-in demonstrations – nobody knew the difference. The he tried for a third lunch … Read more

When Dylann Roof walked

When Dylann Roof walked into a black church, he wanted to start a race war. We didn’t let him do that because we didn’t cast him as a representative of the white race. We didn’t give into his narrative. We did the exact opposite. And I think that we have to be careful not to … Read more

The problem is there

The problem is there are people in this country – maybe 10%, I don’t know what the number, maybe 20% on a bad day – who want this President to have an asterisk next to his name in the history books, that he really wasn’t President….They can’t stand the idea that he is President, and … Read more

… and we are

… and we are not alone in this slavery. there are millions of others throughout the world, of all colors and races and creeds. this we must remember. there are many of our people who hate the poor of the white race, and they hate us. the people in this town living by the river … Read more

The humor of jazz

The humor of jazz is rich and many-sided. Some of it is obvious enough to make a dog laugh. Some is subtle, wry-mouthed, or back-handed. It is by turns bitter, agonized, and grotesque. Even in the hands of white composers it involuntarily reflects the half-forgotten suffering of the negro. Jazz has both white and black … Read more

It was the White

It was the White Man who spanned the continents of the world with railroads and super highways and electrical power lines. It was the White Man who created the miraculous world of electronics, ushering in the telephone, the radio and television. It was the White Race, who in a combined burst of energy and genius … Read more