Nightmares are a strange

Nightmares are a strange thing. Your worst fear is sometimes something you enjoy thinking about, for some strange reason. I don’t know why that is, but it’s some kind of fantasy that people play out. What would I do to protect my children? I’d do anything. And then, you watch it play out. I’m petrified … Read more

The worst fear in

The worst fear in the hearings was that you would get some evil interrogator: you could never know what might happen then. No one who lives in a free country will ever understand that kind of fear. What is most horrifying is the realization that you have no idea what can happen, that your life … Read more

‘They fell in love.’

‘They fell in love.’ Such a rare and special event cannot be done justice by one statement; it involves so much more than that single sentence could explain: it means two people that were brave enough to show their scars, vulnerability, rough edges, happiest thoughts, along with their worst fears, and find a mutual respect, … Read more