He is life’s liberating

He is life’s liberating force. He is release of limbs and communion through dance. He is laughter, and music in flutes. He is repose from all cares — he is sleep! When his blood bursts from the grape and flows across tables laid in his honor to fuse with our blood, he gently, gradually, wraps … Read more

What a dazzlingly generous,

What a dazzlingly generous, gloriously unpredictable book! Maggie Nelson shows us what it means to be real, offering a way of thinking that is as challenging as it is liberating. She invites us to ‘pay homage to the transitive’ and enjoy ‘a becoming in which one never becomes’ Reading The Argonauts made me happier and … Read more

…the total number of

…the total number of galaxies in the universe seems to be in the region of ten billion, and that each of them has about a hundred billion stars the size of the sun. These numbers are so absurd that I strangely find myself in a good mood. It’s all so immense. I think Paul feels … Read more

Having seen Justin’s work

Having seen Justin’s work on Bleak House, I knew that he’d be incredibly well prepared and interesting stylistically for this and that was definitely the case. It’s very liberating for actors – and I can only speak for myself here – but he creates a very loose environment and he’s a great collaborator. Eric Bana

The philosophy of Atheism

The philosophy of Atheism represents a concept of life without any metaphysical Beyond or Divine Regulator. It is the concept of an actual, real world with its liberating, expanding and beautifying possibilities, as against an unreal world, which, with its spirits, oracles, and mean contentment has kept humanity in helpless degradation. Emma Goldman