I feel that one

I feel that one of the roles of the artist, in the way I define it, is that I need to be not just someone observing these tiny pockets of people on the planet who have devoted their lives to preserving whatever it is they’re passionate about. I want to be them. I am one … Read more

Populism in contemporary art

Populism in contemporary art can become a dirty word. There is this notion that to not be understood is a reflection of depth. I’m sure this is true in some cases, but on the whole I can’t accept this as a vision of art. There’s something so cynical about assuming your audience is unintelligent or … Read more

As many glaciers are

As many glaciers are melting and icy tundras are decaying, there’s an unprecedented amount of woolly mammoth material that’s becoming dislodged from the ice. Not just mammoth, but all kinds of fossils from the past. What occurred to me was, had anyone tried to pinpoint the first case of human-induced extinction? What was the first … Read more