I’m climbing into a

I’m climbing into a vehicle that has a powerful influence on our culture. I’d like to make it do something good. The media is populated with attorneys, psychologists and pundits but there are only three physicians: me, Dr. Oz and Sanjay Gupta. We are the only MDs who practice medicine and have board certifications in … Read more

I had been secretary

I had been secretary of state for eight years, attorney general for four years, lieutenant governor for four years, and governor for four years – I had all these friends around the country – so I thought I could gin up a campaign not for me but against George W. Bush, against his war, against … Read more

Who would you vote

Who would you vote most likely to succeed? Bob Arum – White, Jewish, a graduate of Harvard, a Kennady Raider, United States Attorney. Don King – black, poor, out of the hard core getto of Cleveland, Ohio, numbers runner, a little confectionary dealer, ex-convict. Now who would you vote to succeed? It would be hands … Read more