I grew up in

I grew up in one of the most socially conservative neighborhoods in Ohio, and my parents were traditional Catholics. But in her old age, my mother got her home health care from a guy who was gay, who was wonderful to her. Before she died, she rode a float in the Cincinnati Gay Pride Parade. … Read more

As a former U.S.

As a former U.S. attorney general under President Reagan, and a former Ohio secretary of state, we would like to say something that might strike some as obvious: Those who oppose photo voter-ID laws and other election-integrity reforms are intent on making it easier to commit vote fraud. Edwin Meese

I work under three

I work under three umbrellas: entertainment, education, and entrepreneurship. Of course the entertainment fragment speaks for itself because I’m in Chicago. However, a lot of folks may not know I teach courses at Ohio State University that covers life in professional sports. Eddie George

The great hope is

The great hope is that people who wouldn’t normally make films will be making them. Suddenly, one day some little fat girl in Ohio is going to be the new Mozart and make a beautiful film with her father’s camera and for once the so called professionalism about movies will be destroyed forever – and … Read more