I have finally mastered

I have finally mastered what to do with the second tennis ball. Having small hands, I was becoming terribly self-conscious about keeping it in a can in the car while I served the first one. I noted some women tucked the second ball just inside the elastic leg of their tennis panties. I tried, but … Read more

In any case, the

In any case, the bayonet isn’t as important as it used to be. It’s more usual now to go into the attack with hand-grenades and your entrenching tool. The sharpened spade is a lighter and more versatile weapon – not only can you get a man under the chin, but more to the point, you … Read more

Back in the days

Back in the days when men were hunters and chest beaters and women spent their whole lives worrying about pregnancy or dying in childbirth, they often had to be taken against their will. Men complained that women were cold, unresponsive, frigid… They wanted their women wanton. They wanted their women wild. Now women were finally … Read more

Holly clambered after him,

Holly clambered after him, struggling up the human-size steps. Wait! Just wait, she called, overtaking Artemis and looking him in the eye from one step up. I know you, Artemis. You like to play your genius card close to your chest until the big reveal. And that’s worked out for us so far. But this … Read more