A significant contribution to

A significant contribution to science pedagogy and to the scholarship of teaching and learning. … [W]ill be of interest to researchers in the area of science education and to college and university faculty members who seek to improve their teaching. David W. Oxtoby

No institutions in modern

No institutions in modern society are better equipped to catalyze the necessary transition to a sustainable world than colleges and universities. They have access to the leaders of tomorrow and the leaders of today. What they do matters to the wider public. David W. Orr

I’ve never claimed that

I’ve never claimed that this is investment art. When we first started out, all the art colleges and universities across the country would sort of badmouth what we were doing. It’s funny that a lot of them now are sending us letters saying, ‘We may not totally agree with the way you paint, but we … Read more

Essentially what my campaign

Essentially what my campaign is about, it`s about anything, this is saying we`ve got bring that money back into the middle class and working families. We have to create jobs, we have to raise, we have to make public colleges and universities tuition free so kids in that community who are studying hard understand that … Read more

The United States has

The United States has got to join the rest of the industrialized world in making sure that working families of the middle class have benefits that they absolutely need. We are the only major country on Earth that does not guarantee health care to all people as a right. We are the only major country … Read more