I’d be devastated if

I’d be devastated if my son grows up to be a hetero. I mean, I’d still love him … but as a parent you just envision a certain life for your child. I mean, if he’s straight, think of all the fabulous things he’s going to miss out on. When I think my son might … Read more

I would be devastated

I would be devastated if my son could not have music as part of his curriculum in school. It should not be a choice between culture and technical training – well-rounded students and graduates will make appropriate choices for their careers, but they must also be trained to make appropriate social choices. David Cassidy

Man’s destiny was to

Man’s destiny was to conquer and rule the world, and this is what he’s done.. almost. He hasn’t quite made it, and it looks as though this may be his undoing. The problem is that man’s conquest of the world has itself devastated the world. And in spite of all the mastery we’ve attained, we … Read more

Hey Everyone! Parts of

Hey Everyone! Parts of the US are getting hit really hard and need our help. Reach Out Worldwide is proud to announce that we’ve sent out a team and are already on the ground helping out. Please help us make a bigger impact by donating to this cause at http:// donate.ROWW.org/ arkansasrelief . Our thoughts … Read more

The problem a lot

The problem a lot of writers have is that they really, really enjoy people saying, You’re brilliant. They let their self-perception be dictated by reader response. But if you’re going to let other people make you feel good, you’re going to end up feeling bad when they say the opposite. You’ve got to be a … Read more