Many animal rescue organizations

Many animal rescue organizations hit with a hard-core, heartbreaking message. Their videos and stories can become difficult for average people to watch. By taking a more positive, heartwarming approach to animal rescue, I’ve been able to engage people and keep them engaged for years. Instead of selling the agony and misery – and sadly, there … Read more

Men come and go,

Men come and go, cities rise and fall, whole civilizations appear and disappear-the earth remains, slightly modified. The earth remains, and the heartbreaking beauty where there are no hearts to break….I sometimes choose to think, no doubt perversely, that man is a dream, thought an illusion, and only rock is real. Rock and sun. Edward … Read more

There are certain relationships

There are certain relationships in our lives that implode, and it can feel really inexplicable and terrifying. You don’t know why, and sometimes relationships end for reasons that one person keeps from the other person, and it’s just totally unclear, and it just goes south and it’s heartbreaking. Ed Helms

No matter how bad

No matter how bad your heart is broken, the world doesn’t stop for your grief. Faraaz Kazi

They always say the

They always say the hottest love has the coldest end. Drake

A massive and brilliant

A massive and brilliant accomplishment–the first English translation of the original Grimm brothers’ fairy tales. The plain telling is that much more forceful for its simplicity and directness, particularly in scenes of naked self-concern and brutality. Hate, spite, love, magic, all self-evident, heartbreaking, delightful. I will return to this book over and over, no doubt … Read more