Over the great bridge,

Over the great bridge, with the sunlight through the girders making a constant flicker upon the moving cars, with the city rising up across the river in white heaps and sugar lumps all built with a wish out of non-olfactory money. The city seen from the Queensboro Bridge is always the city seen for the … Read more

What is an I,

What is an “I”, and why are such things found (at least so far) only in association with, as poet Russell Edson once wonderfully phrased it, “teetering bulbs of dread and dream” – that is, only in association with certain kinds of gooey lumps encased in hard protective shells mounted atop mobile pedestals that roam … Read more

The world is a

The world is a glorious place, and filled with so many unexpected moments that I’d get lumps in my throat, as though I were watching a bride walk down the aisle – moments as eternal and full of love as the lifting of veils, the saying of vows and the moment of the first wedded … Read more

God says This is

God says This is what I would love you to be, but I am not going to constrain you. I want it to be your choice. And it is a fantastic thing because even at the moment when I am making the choice to reject God, I would depend from moment to moment, you know … Read more