The work of the

The work of the Spirit is the bringing to be of the vision of God….the capacitating of persons to ‘see visions’ and ‘dream dreams’. …. The birth of the Church is the beginning of the End. ….. The Kingdom of God as the miracle of ocular newness when ‘the blind see’ makes its impact on … Read more

What I found interesting

What I found interesting about Slava Fetisov was that he went through three different generations of Soviet hockey. In the late 70’s, he experienced the Miracle on Ice, and then in the 80’s became with his teammates the Russian Five, the most dominant team in the history of hockey, and then helped bring down the … Read more

The indications which tell

The indications which tell your dry fly angler when to strike are clear and unmistakable, but those which bid a wet fly man raise his rod-point and draw in the steel are frequently so subtle, so evanescent and impalpable to the senses, that, when the bending rod assures him that he has divined aright, he … Read more

Be guided by the

Be guided by the Spirit. I have said so many times to my Brethren that the Spirit is the most important single element in this work. With the Spirit, and by magnifying your call, you can do miracles for the Lord in the mission field. Without the Spirit you will never succeed regardless of your … Read more

My young sisters, we

My young sisters, we have such hope for you. We have such great expectations for you. Don’t settle for less than what the Lord wants you to be… Give me a young woman who loves home and family, who reads and ponders the scriptures daily, who has a burning testimony of the Book of Mormon… … Read more