A seasoned woman is

A seasoned woman is spicy. She has been marinated in life experiences. Like a complex wine, she can be alternately sweet, tart, sparkling, mellow. She is both maternal and playful. Assured, alluring, and resourceful. She is less likely to have an agenda than a young woman-no biological clock tick-tocking beside her lover’s bed, no campaign … Read more

When an alluring woman

When an alluring woman comes in at the door, warningly traced the austere Kien-fi on the margin of his well-known essay, discretion may be found up the chimney. It is incredible that beneath this ever-timely reminder an obscure disciple should have added the words: The wiser the sage, the more profound the folly. Ernest Bramah

An actor must communicate

An actor must communicate his author’s given message–comedy, tragedy, serio- comedy; then comes his unique moment, as he is confronted by the looked-for, yet at times unexpected, reaction of the audience. This split second is his; he is in command of his medium; the effect vanishes into thin air; but that moment has a power … Read more