We believe in a

We believe in a moral code. Communism denies innate right or wrong. As W. Cleon Skousen has said in his timely book, The Naked Communist: The communist ‘has convinced himself that nothing is evil which answers the call of expediency.’ This is a most damnable doctrine. People who truly accept such a philosophy have neither … Read more

The great temptation of

The great temptation of Big Data is that we can stop worrying about comprehension and focus on preventive action instead. Instead of wasting precious public resources on understanding the ‘why’ – i.e., exploring the reasons as to why terrorists become terrorists – one can focus on predicting the ‘when’ so that a timely intervention could … Read more

When an alluring woman

When an alluring woman comes in at the door, warningly traced the austere Kien-fi on the margin of his well-known essay, discretion may be found up the chimney. It is incredible that beneath this ever-timely reminder an obscure disciple should have added the words: The wiser the sage, the more profound the folly. Ernest Bramah

Combining the experience of

Combining the experience of a seasoned university president with the analysis of a respected legal scholar, Derek Bok explores what he concludes are ‘signs of excessive commercialization in every part of the university.’ His somber assessment of the current state of athletics, scientific research, and distance education, and his call for review and restraint, should … Read more

Jeff Chu’s pilgrimage across

Jeff Chu’s pilgrimage across America to discover his own place as a gay man in the Christian church as well as attitudes about being gay and Christian across denominations is at once timely, smart, poignant, disturbing, inspiring, and maddening. It’s essential reading for anyone who cares about the rights of the LGBTQ community to be … Read more

The military taught me

The military taught me the importance of getting something done in a timely manner and the importance of completing a mission on time. My lieutenant would say, ‘If you don’t, you die.’ In many ways, life is the same. If you don’t pay attention to a timeline, you lose out on the ability to accomplish … Read more