We all tend to

We all tend to go to extremes; some rely only on their own preparation and look for nothing more; others, as I say, tend to despise preparation and trust to the unction, the anointing and the inspiration of the Spirit alone. But there must be no \”either/or\” here; it is always \”both/and.\” These two things … Read more

There is no use

There is no use in running before you are sent; there is no use in attempting to do God’s work without God’s power. A man working without this unction, a man working without this anointing, a man working without the Holy Ghost upon him, is losing time after all. Dwight L. Moody

God is going to

God is going to take over the White House… He is going to take over the Oval Office… because it belongs to Him and He is going to bring all things summed up into the fullness of Christ. He is going to take that Supreme Court. He is going to turn that inside out. He … Read more

If you want your

If you want your ministry to have ‘it’, more important than anything else we’ve discussed, you must have ‘it’. When it has filtered through your heart – the rare combination of passion, integrity, focus, faith, expectation, drive, hunger, and God’s anointing – God tends to infuse your ministry with ‘it’. He blesses your work. People … Read more