What I object to

What I object to is the hyper-fetishized wedding day, the prioritizing of wedding over marriage. I have a real problem with couples spending far more time discussing the seating arrangement or the color of the bridesmaid’s gowns than hashing out, for instance, their feelings about how they intend to handle questions of housework, child-rearing, finances … Read more

It used to be

It used to be the custom for the bachelor dinner to take place the night before the wedding. Now, however, the bridesmaids’ and ushers’ dinner is usually on that night, for a groom realizes that he and his attendants need some time in which to recover sufficiently to be able to distinguish the altar from … Read more

An invitation to be

An invitation to be a bridesmaid is an honor which cannot be declined without some very good reason. Our idea of one of the better reasons is the impending arrival of a little stranger. … any lady in this interesting condition should have the grace to refuse. We know that symbols of fertility are appropriate … Read more