By firm immutable immortal

By firm immutable immortal laws Impress’d on Nature by the GREAT FIRST CAUSE, Say, MUSE! how rose from elemental strife Organic forms, and kindled into life; How Love and Sympathy with potent charm Warm the cold heart, the lifted hand disarm; Allure with pleasures, and alarm with pains, And bind Society in golden chains. Erasmus … Read more

Cold hearts are not

Cold hearts are not anxious enough to doubt. Men who love will have their misgivings at times; that is not the evil. But the evil is, when men go on in that languid, doubting way, content to doubt, proud of their doubts, morbidly glad to talk about them, liking the romantic gloom of twilight, without … Read more

My favorite song he

My favorite song he ever wrote was ‘Cold Cold Heart.’ If you think about it, the lyric to ‘Cold Cold Heart,’ see how many two syllable words are in that song. Very, very few. … Verses and the choruses have very few two syllable words. ‘I tried so hard my dear to show that you’re … Read more