The imprudent Maximus disregarded

The imprudent Maximus disregarded these salutary considerations: he gratified his resentment and ambition; he saw the bleeding corpse of Valentinian at his feet; and he heard himself saluted Emperor by the unanimous voice of the senate and people. But the day of his inauguration was the last day of his happiness. Edward Gibbon

I have one great

I have one great political idea… That idea is an old one. It is widely and generally assented to; nevertheless, it is very generally trampled upon and disregarded. The best expression of it, I have found in the Bible. It is in substance, \”Righteousness exalteth a nation – sin is a reproach to any people.\” … Read more

Celestial marriage is for

Celestial marriage is for the fullness of the glory of god. It is the crowning glory. A man has no right to one wife unless he is worthy of two…. There is no provision made for those who have had the chance & opperternity and have disregarded that law. Men who disregard that law are … Read more