On the Russian revolutionaries:To

On the Russian revolutionaries:To leave your parents, faithful and loyal subjects of the Emperor, to leave your profession, to desist from having children, to lose your fortune, and to give up your civil honor, all for revolutionary conviction, makes for a league of more practical proof than any religious order. Eugen Rosenstock-Huessy

At the mention of

At the mention of the name and offence of this degraded being a great sound went up from the entire multitude – a universal cry of execration, not greatly dissimilar from that which may be frequently heard in the crowded Temple of Impartiality when the one whose duty it is to take up, at a … Read more

I think it’s good

I think it’s good to know more than the average guy. If I’m in a bar now and some pretty girl is talking to some handsome 24-year-old man, I’ll say, Okay, who’s the emperor after Caligula? What chief mistake did Marcus Aurelius make in choosing a successor? He’ll just look like an idiot. She’ll just … Read more