Where did you get

Where did you get the idea you aren’t allowed to petition the universe with prayer? You are part of this universe, Liz. You’re a constituent–you have every entitlement to participate in the actions of the universe, and to let your feelings be known. So, put your opinion out there. Make your case. Believe me–it will … Read more

In every civilization, life

In every civilization, life grows easier. Men grow lazier in consequence. We have a picture of what happened to the individual Greek. (I cannot look at history, or at any human action, except as I look at the individual.) The Greeks had good food, good witty talk, pleasant dinner parties; and they were content. When … Read more

While the Left seems

While the Left seems obsessed with increasing taxes and spending even more money, conservatives have focused more heavily on the need for spending restraint and entitlement reform – primarily to preserve and protect the future of the Medicare program. Overlooked in all of this is the future of Medicaid. Fred Upton

If we have more

If we have more people on the receiving end of government – more people as the middle class becomes sucked in more and more to these entitlement programs, for example – then we’re going to be in a place where it’s going to be hard to go back. It’s going to be hard to go … Read more

The United States needs

The United States needs serious change in its fiscal, entitlement, infrastructure, immigration, and education policies, among others. And yet a polarized and often paralyzed Washington has pushed dealing with these problems off into the future, which will only make them more difficult and expensive to solve. Fareed Zakaria

Americans have an interesting

Americans have an interesting conundrum, a black and white line: You’re on one side or the other of Puritanism or licentiousness. But that gray area where people abide, between their ears or on the Internet, needs to be fleshed out more in terms of permission granted. I think a lot of women are contained within … Read more