You now have six-year

You now have six-year campaigns for the Senate – you never stop running. It’s not uncommon for a member of the Senate to have a fundraising breakfast, a fundraising lunch and a fundraising dinner, and then when the Senate breaks for the week to go home, more fundraisers. And that’s driven by the cost of … Read more

Fred Wilson is a

Fred Wilson is a legendary VC and the Managing Partner of Union Square Ventures in New York City. At AVC, he writes one of the most popular startup blogs and covers issues from negotiation to hiring to fundraising. He’s a machine for dispensing helpful advice and insightful commentary for those in our industry. Emerson Spartz

I started, with three

I started, with three friends, this website called Crowdrise that’s sort of the Facebook for personal philanthropy, a place where anybody can have a permanent microsite of their own to stage creative fundraising projects for the charities and causes that they care about. And we did it with serious intent but without any ambition. Edward … Read more

The things I try

The things I try to do with Surfrider Foundation, SurfAid, Love Hope Strength, which is a cancer foundation, I try to do as many benefits and fundraising things as I possibly can. It’s so important, if you have any kind of a voice, or any way to make a difference, to do that. So, I’m … Read more