It is not what

It is not what I do that matters, but what a sovereign God chooses to do through me. God does not want worldly successes, He wants me. He wants my heart in submission to Him. Life is not just a few years to spend on self indulgence and career advancement. It is a privilege, a … Read more

My goal on Earth

My goal on Earth is not to win a World Series or be the best baseball player who ever lived. That simply is not up to me because I have to wait and see if it is part of the Lord’s plan. My goal is to follow the Lord and what he wants me to … Read more

Sometimes I feel… that

Sometimes I feel… that my cross is heavy beyond endurance… My heart seems worn out and bruised beyond repair, and in my deep loneliness I often wish to be gone, but God knows best, and I want to do every ounce of work He wants me to do. Charles Studd

Jordan doesn’t really care

Jordan doesn’t really care about the blood, Simon said now. His whole thing is about me being comfortable with what I am. Get in touch with your inner vampire, blah, blah. Clary slid in next to him onto the bed and hugged a pillow. Is your inner vampire different from your…outer vampire? Definitely. He wants … Read more