It was a really

It was a really strange experience. It was very creative for Alejandro AmenĂ¡bar. It was almost like it was the most I ever felt like I was helping someone paint. They had a very clear idea of what they wanted it to look like, sound like, be like. So, there was no operating outside the … Read more

You have to realize

You have to realize there is nothing more you can do to convince someone you love to turn their life around. You simply have to say, \”Look. I love you, but I cannot stand by and watch you kill yourself slowly. When you want help I’m here. Until then, goodbye.\” That may sound cruel, but … Read more

Unless someone like you

Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It’s not. Dr. Seuss

If you want happiness

If you want happiness for a year, inherit a fortune. If you want happiness for a lifetime, help someone else. Confucius

It’s not enough to

It’s not enough to shelve your own competitive streak. You have to try, consciously, to help others succeed. Some people feel this is like shooting themselves in the foot – why aid someone else in creating a competitive advantage? I don’t look at it that way. Helping someone else look good doesn’t make me look … Read more