The slight variations in

The slight variations in extracting procedure cause many of the amygdalin (Vitamin B-17, Laetrile) molecules to change to a form unknown to nature(:) isomers…There are …purveyors who label their ‘iso-amygdalin’ products ‘amygdalin’ contrary to all of the recognized specs…For commercial or political purposes, they certainly cannot justify such a fallacy…This scientific heresy and commercial fraud…(is) … Read more

Religion claims to be

Religion claims to be in possession of an absolute truth; but its history is a history of errors and heresies. It gives us the promise and prospect of a transcendent world – far beyond the limits of our human experience – and it remains human, all too human. Ernst Cassirer

I often saw weary

I often saw weary little women coming to the table after most exhausting labors, and large, bumptious husbands spreading out their hands and thanking the Lord for the meals that the dear women had prepared, as if the whole came down like manna from heaven. So I preached a sermon in the blessing I gave. … Read more

The opposite of love

The opposite of love is not hate, it’s indifference. The opposite of art is not ugliness, it’s indifference. The opposite of faith is not heresy, it’s indifference. And the opposite of life is not death, it’s indifference. Elie Wiesel

Why did the consensus

Why did the consensus of Christian churches not only accept these astonishing views but establish them as the only true form of Christian doctrine? . . . these religious debates – questions of the nature of God, or of Christ – simultaneously bear social and political implications that are crucial to the development of Christianity … Read more

He who today utters

He who today utters a bold truth that seems to shock some old institution with the premonition of destruction, and that scares men from their propriety, will a hundred years hence be regarded as a remarkably conservative man. And yet the people who stand peculiarly upon what they call the foundations of conservatism, and hold … Read more