All history is an

All history is an attempt to find pattern and meaning in a section of human experience, and every historian worthy of the name raises questions about man’s ultimate destiny and the meaning of all history to which, as history, he can provide no answers. The answers belong to the realm of theology. G. B. Caird

Who you really are

Who you really are is Non-Physical Energy focused in a physical body, knowing full well that all is well and always has been, and always will be. You are here to experience the supreme pleasure of concluding new desires, and then of bringing yourself into vibrational alignment with the new desires that you’ve concluded, for … Read more

We need new art.

We need new art. Old art cannot do that. It can do lots of other things, and of course humanity hasn’t changed that much in the last thousand or two thousand years.So that the old Greek dramas are still at the very heart, core, of human experience, but still we need new stuff. Esa-Pekka Salonen

Religion claims to be

Religion claims to be in possession of an absolute truth; but its history is a history of errors and heresies. It gives us the promise and prospect of a transcendent world – far beyond the limits of our human experience – and it remains human, all too human. Ernst Cassirer

You will not experience

You will not experience all life has to offer you or begin to experience life at its fullest as long as you are satisfied with mediocrity. You have to be disgusted with your current circumstances before your circumstances can change. Eric Thomas

I realize I have

I realize I have a lot of amazing opportunities, but I don’t know how you can play a human being going through real human experiences without being able to walk down the street. If you can’t live a real life, how do you play a real person? It always confuses me when actors work back-to-back-to-back … Read more