King Arthur is profoundly

King Arthur is profoundly stupid and inept.. then there’s Clive Owen, rising above it all. Aloof yet watchful, the actor cultivates an inner stillness that is perfect for faintly ironic brooders. He neither distances himself from this risible material nor pulls out the stops and opens himself to ridicule. His King Arthur tells us little … Read more

Contemporary fantasists all bow

Contemporary fantasists all bow politely to Lord Tennyson and Papa Tolkien, then step around them to go back to the original texts for inspiration–and there are a lot of those texts. We have King Arthur and his gang in English; we’ve got Siegfried and Brunhild in German; Charlemagne and Roland in French; El Cid in … Read more

She always did like

She always did like tales of adventure-stories full of brightness and darkness. She could tell you the names of all King Arthur’s knights, and she knew everything about Beowulf and Grendel, the ancient gods and the not-quite-so-ancient heroes. She liked pirate stories, too, but most of all she loved books that had at least a … Read more

How much he was

How much he was shaped by being in the hospital so much as a kid. Because he was sick, he was a reader, and because he was a reader, Kennedy had heroes. Because he had heroes, he went into politics. [Kennedy liked Sir Walter Scott, King Arthur’s knights, and biographies of political leaders.] If he … Read more