I like to listen.

I like to listen. I have learned a great deal from listening carefully. Most people never listen. Ernest Hemingway

We have two ears

We have two ears and one mouth so that we can listen twice as much as we speak. Epictetus

All the things that

All the things that girls feel they are not when they fear that if they become, if they are, they will no longer be loved by the sisters whose hearts they have not meant to break. And besides, if the sisters are gone and only the beloved remains with his dense curls and his lips, … Read more

You are daydreaming about

You are daydreaming about the future because you have not tasted the present. Start tasting the present. Find out a few moments where you are simply delighting. Looking at the trees, just be the look. Listening to the birds, just be a listening ear. Let them reach to your deepest core. Let their song spread … Read more